Epic Resources

While Epic Systems software is but part of the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS), it provides both the core integration engine and the surrounding user interfaces. Understanding and mastering Epic processes can make a big difference to CIS users who want to take full advantage of Connect Care as a toolkit for optimizing better supports for better practice.

Epic UserWeb

Connect Care assembles and maintains aids for what we have built with Epic's tools. While Connect Care assets are a great first stop for users, a wealth of resources and user-to-user assistance is available through Epic's "UserWeb" at userweb.epic.com. Epic's online forums include dedicated Canadian channels where other physicians share questions and know-how.

The UserWeb is available to all Connect Care users, but requires registration for an access account:

Epic Community Library

The Epic Community Library is Epic's tool for sharing clinical content. SmartTexts, SmartSets, Flowsheets, Hyperspace Reports, SmartForms, BPAs, Questionnaires, and other miscellaneous content are available to view.