Clinical System Design (CSD)
Clinical System Design (CSD) is the process for planning, selecting, designing and building clinical content in the Connect Care clinical information system (CIS). It is one of the major activities taking place during the design phase of the Connect Care initiative, together with Groundwork, Direction-Setting, Adoption and Validation. It also persists through stabilization, optimization and continuing improvement.
Core content (Core CSD), such as a default format for progress notes, applies to multiple areas or contexts across the continuum of care. Specialty content (Specialty CSD), such as how a particular procedure report is formatted, serves specific clinical areas, programs, subspecialties or contexts.
Presentation: Why does Connect Care matter? (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: Connect Care, CIS and Epic (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: Connect Care Oversight (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: Connect Care Timelines (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: How is the CIS Built? (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: How is Clinical Content Built? (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: How does Clinical System Design Happen? (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: Who does Clinical System Design? (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: How is Design Managed? (video, slides, handout)
Presentation: How is Design Scope Managed? (video, slides, handout)